[C++-sig] preventing boost::python::throw_error_already_set

Leonard Ritter paniq at paniq.org
Sun Dec 14 23:22:51 CET 2008

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 5:32 PM, Stefan Seefeld <seefeld at sympatico.ca>wrote:

> Leonard Ritter wrote:
>> hi everyone,
>> i'm having a problem where a boost::python::throw_error_already_set is
>> being thrown and causes a segfault (linux). unfortunately the error happens
>> from within python, when reaching the end of an iteration through a vector
>> array, which was exported using the vector indexing suite.
>> is there any possibility to catch the previous exception?
> That's hard to tell without more context: Who is doing the iteration, for
> example ?

python code.

i don't have the feeling that the issue is really related to your library.
some machines do not cause that exception. the problem is that this is very
hard to track for me. this is not meant to sound rough, but i would prefer
if you would not try to find the problem for me, but give me instructions
how i can deal with such problems myself.

this is not the only situation where i get throw_error_already_set
exceptions, and i have no idea how to track them down. is such stuff
unusual? did no one else get these?

thank you.
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