[C++-sig] conversion problem

Luca Sbardella luca.sbardella at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 16:29:34 CET 2008

My authomatic conversion function from std::pair does not work when one of
the pair type is a boost::python::object.

Template for conversion

template<class K, class T>
struct pair_to_tuple  {
typedef pair_to_tuple<K,T> converter;
typedef std::pair<K,T> ctype;

static PyObject* convert(ctype const& v)  {
using namespace boost::python;
return incref(make_tuple(v.first,v.second).ptr());
static void register_to_python()  {

using namespace boost::python;
pair_to_tuple<double,object>::register_to_python();           <---------
pair_to_tuple<double,std::string>::register_to_python();     <--------- OK

The error I get is
*error C2668: 'boost::python::make_tuple' : ambiguous call to overloaded
could be 'boost::python::tuple boost::python::make_tuple<_Ty1,_Ty2>(const A0
&,const A1 &)'**
or       'boost::tuples::tuple<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9>
boost::tuples::make_tuple<_Ty1,_Ty2>(const T0 &,const T1 &)' [found using
argument-dependent lookup]
What I'm I doing wrong?*
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