[C++-sig] [py++] Problem: empty xml file created

Marcus Lindblom macke at yar.nu
Sat Dec 6 10:52:50 CET 2008

Roman Yakovenko wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 5:01 PM, Marcus Lindblom <macke at yar.nu> wrote:
>> How does gccxml work in compiler-work-alike mode?


> I am not sure what you mean by this. GCC-XML doesn't tries to emulate
> other compilers. The configuration is used to find system and C++
> header files.


> The bottom line - you will have to change the code. GCCXML defines
> __GCCXML__ define. (http://gccxml.org/HTML/Running.html ). So you can
> introduce the changes for this compiler only.

That was exactly what I needed to know.

Thanks a lot!


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