[C++-sig] pybindgen and PyQt

Andreas Eriksson aeriksson at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 14:32:00 CEST 2008

Thanks for the reply Gustavo.

>> does anyone know if pybindgen plays nicely with PyQt (which uses SIP
>> for wrapping)? Can C++ class wrapped with pybindgen be passed to PyQt?
> For one thing, I find it hard to believe that PyQt would have any API that
> accepts an arbitrary class.  At most I would believe in PyQt accepting an
> arbitrary subclass of a well known C++ base class wrapped by PyQt.  So I am
> guessing you mean pybindgen wrapping a subclass of a PyQt-wrapped class.
> That I'm afraid will not work.

Actually, it is the first scenario that I am after. Let me describe in
some detail what I am after (slightly simplified):

We have a C++ class that derives from the C++ Qt class QWidget. Lets
call it OwnWidget.  Several Qt methods expects pointers to subclasses
of QWidget, such as QLayout::addWidget(QWidget*). Using the PyQt
bindings I can create a python QLayout object.  Now, what I want to do
is create a pybindgen wrapped OwnWidget instance and pass it to the
addWidget method of the PyQt QLayout object.

The following pseudo-code illustrates what I want to do.  I tried it
using boost.python but without any luck.


    #include <qt/QWidget.h>
    class OwnWidget : public QWidget { ... }


    import pyqt
    import ownwidget    # wrapped using pybindgen

    myWidget = ownwidget.OwnWidget()
    layout = pyqt.QLayout()



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