[C++-sig] Signatures/docstrings patch

Nikolay Mladenov nickm at sitius.com
Tue Sep 11 19:23:53 CEST 2007

Hi all,

A patch was applied to the boost.python svn repository,
which allows pythonic signatures to be included in the 
generated docstrings

Bellow is a small example of how the docstrings may look 
(it is docstrings_options dependent):

>>> help(ugui.AngleField.value)
Help on method value:

value(...) unbound sitius.ugui.AngleField method
    value( (AngleField)self) -> Angle :
       returns the field's value
    value( (AngleField)self, (Angle)angle [,
(bool)invoke_callback=False]) -> AngleField :
       Sets the value of the field and optionally invokes the activate

the patch also adds docstring support for enums.

Nikolay Mladenov

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