[C++-sig] Boost Python wrapper<> causing a compile error C2664 in vc++ 8.0

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 21:54:10 CEST 2007

On 9/7/07, Matthew Scouten (TT) <Matthew.Scouten at tradingtechnologies.com>
>  I am trying to wrap a class with virtual functions in c++, to be over
> loaded in Python, and called from c++.
> I have been working up to full functionality gradually but I have hit a
> road block.
> My code (trimmed to only relevant parts, with the identifiers changed to
> protect the guilty):
>  class CProofOfConcept {
> public:
>                 int x;
>                 CProofOfConcept(void);
>                 //CProofOfConcept(float f);
>                 std::string conceptProven(std::string = "My kingdom for a
> valid arg!");
>                 virtual std::string reality(void) const;
>                 std::string ProofOfCallback();
>                 virtual std::string sureality(void);
>                 virtual ~CProofOfConcept(void);
> private:
>                 float y;
> };
> class CProofOfConceptWrapper: public CProofOfConcept, public
> wrapper<CProofOfConcept>
> {
> };
> {
>                 class_<CProofOfConceptWrapper>("CPOC")
>                                 .def("reality",
> &CProofOfConceptWrapper::reality)
>                                 .def_readwrite("x",
> &CProofOfConceptWrapper::x)
>                                 .def("ProofOfCallback" ,
> &CProofOfConceptWrapper::ProofOfCallback)
>                                 ;
> }

Here is the code Py++ generated:

struct CProofOfConcept_wrapper : CProofOfConcept, bp::wrapper<
CProofOfConcept > {

    CProofOfConcept_wrapper(CProofOfConcept const & arg )
    : CProofOfConcept( arg )
      , bp::wrapper< CProofOfConcept >(){
        // copy constructor


    CProofOfConcept_wrapper( )
    : CProofOfConcept( )
      , bp::wrapper< CProofOfConcept >(){
        // null constructor




    bp::class_< CProofOfConcept_wrapper >( "CProofOfConcept" )
        .def( bp::init< >() )

P.S. If you just start with Boost.Python I suggest you to try Py++ (
I think you will not be disappointed.

Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding
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