[C++-sig] Avoiding duplicate registration of Py++ generated array code?

Haridev, Meghana mharidev at qualcomm.com
Fri Jan 19 03:45:07 CET 2007

Hi Folks,


I am using Py++ for the generation of boost.python wrappers for 2


Boost_Lib1.so: Wraps C++ source code that looks like this:

Class A {


     uint8 dataA[128];



Class B {


     uint8 dataB[128];



Boost_Lib2.so: Wraps C++ source code that looks like this:

Class C {


    uint8 dataC[128];




Note that all the arrays data, dataB, dataC are of the SAME TYPE and


The class template code instantiation that is generated to wrap all 3
array member variables by Py++ looks like this:

pyplusplus::containers::static_sized::array_1_t< unsigned char, 128>


I am aware that Py++ takes care of duplicate registration within a
module i.e. this registration code is generated only once while wrapping
dataA[128] and not generated for wrapping dataB[128]:

pyplusplus::containers::static_sized::register_array_1< unsigned char,
128, bp::default_call_policies >( "__array_1_unsigned_char_128" );


But when I have an array (dataC) of the SAME TYPE and SIZE but wrapped
in a different module, I get this warning for duplicate registration
when I import the 2nd module:

>> import Boost_Lib1

>> import Boost_Lib2

>> RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for
pyplusplus::containers::static_sized::array_1_t<unsigned char, 128>
already registered; second conversion method ignored.



1) How can I avoid duplicate registration across modules? 

2) Is there any known way by which I can get rid of this warning? 

3) I know that this warning can be gotten rid of by adding another
template parameter (like a unique string across modules) - If I plan on
incorporating this, is there a lot of effort required? Pointers to which
files that might need to be modified would be much appreciated! 




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