[C++-sig] make tuple of tuples in embedding python?

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 19:18:47 CET 2007

On 2/28/07, ZiZi Zhao <zzhao at laika.com> wrote:
> Stefan,
>  thank you for your reply that does answer my question, although I used
> python/c++ API and you are using boost:python. plus, my application may go
> more complex like:
>  tuple of
>           tuple of strings
>           tuple of integers
>           tuple of dicts
>           tuple of tuples
>  if boost-python is more flexible & stable, I may try it alos. but, I don't
> see many sample codes of embedding python using boost-python. there is only
> one sampel in their document.

There is a lot of examples. Take a look on this for example:

Also if you search this mailing list, I am sure you will find dozen of them.

Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

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