[C++-sig] Memory issues

Paul Guse paul at mustagh.com
Mon Feb 12 23:19:52 CET 2007

Hello. I have a few boost::python issues I need help with .

Firstly, I'm getting some memory leaks by just including the boost libraries. (Dynamically linked dll, VS2005. Using boost to embed python in c++)
>From what I gather this is still an outstanding issue with no, as of yet, solution? Is that correct?

Second, this is also causing some issues as I need to free the resources allocated during the running of scripts. Specifically, I'm using the intrusive_ptr to wrap my own object's reference counting. When these objects are referenced in a python script the reference count is incremented, but not decremented when the script ends. As expected, this is causing some issues.
Is there a way to clean up the variables allocated in a namespace? Or to effectively clear the main namespace?

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