[C++-sig] boost python build/linking/distribution questions

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Sat Feb 10 02:01:43 CET 2007

Tony Kirke wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone automated the process after building a python package using
> boost/bjam so that either .rpm or .deb distribution packages can be
> created? (I know there is documentation available but I'm looking for
> some shortcuts/examples).
> One issue is the libboost_python.so file. Does it need to be packaged or
> declared as a dependency. Can this issue be avoided by building with
> <runtime-link>static?

I'm not exactly sure what your question is about.
When building an rpm package, you typically start by writing an rpm spec
file, containing (among many other bits) explicit dependencies ('Requires:').
Using this you can mention any boost rpm package you depend on.

However, rpmbuild itself will figure out what runtime dependencies your
compiled application / library has (such as DSOs), so any boost.python
dependency should be resolved automatically.

None of this involves the build system of boost (or boost.python) itself.



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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