[C++-sig] init from free function instead of constructor

Edson Tadeu e.tadeu at gmail.com
Fri Feb 2 20:49:50 CET 2007

I'm also getting the same errors when trying to wrap a "free" constructor
returning by value for a class whose holder is itself.

Inside detail::install_holder<T>::dispatch(Ptr x, mpl::false_), it is trying
to access the type pointee<Ptr>::type, but Ptr is my own class and not a
smart pointer, so the compiler gets angry with pointee_impl<false>::apply<T>
trying to get T::element_type.

Is there any fix for this or any solution that do not involve an ugly hack
with heap allocation and converting back and forth between shared_ptr<>?


John Reid wrote:

Ok so by-value should be handled by the default call policies if the
documentation is right.

I have checked with a minimal test case that I get the same errors:

class X { };
X make_x( const std::string & ) { return X(); }
void export_x()
    using namespace boost::python;
    class_< X > x( "X" );
    x.def( "__init__", make_constructor( make_x ) );
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