[C++-sig] Issues with Debug/Release versions of Python and extensions

Alexander Eisenhuth newsuser at stacom-software.de
Fri Feb 2 20:09:48 CET 2007

Hello everybody,

did some of you got ever into a hell of runtime problems like 
_CrtIsValidHeapPointer on Windows ? (Debug Version of a multithreaded Python 


Ok a straight question, that hopefully anybody can answer.

Might there appear problems, when I use a standard python Installation 
(nodebug-version) on windows to debug a extension (debug-version) ?

Now a bit more deeper in detail what happens:

I import a debug c++ extension build with vc6.0 with bosst.python. After some 
calls from python -> Extension, various threads are initialized and do a lot of 
work (but no python API calls). In total I've 4 threads. The python (main) 
thread waits on a raw_input(), so I'm quite sure nothing happens in the main thread.

After some time (not predictable) the _CrtIsValidHeapPointer() assertion fails 
(This is only done by CRT in debug mode) in a extension thread.
When I compile the extension as release, no _CrtIsValidHeapPointer() appears of 
course, but no other noticable problems appear also.

I'm quite sure that the extensions code is clean, because this is used for many 
years without python as C++ application.

Every comment is very welcome.

Thank a lot for reading


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