[C++-sig] To Spicy For Py++ [was: A wrapped class contains another wrapped class. Hilarity ensues.]

Jason Kankiewicz Jason.Kankiewicz at dreamworks.com
Tue Dec 4 18:40:58 CET 2007

  The CVS-repository version of GCC_XML includes compatibility headers 
that will work with VS2005 upon which VS2005 SP1 has been installed. 
Originally I had modified the included compatibility headers to 
compensate for the changes made by VS2005 SP1 but on a subsequent update 
of my working copy of the GCC_XML sources I found that equivalent 
changes had been made by its authors.

  I was developing on Windows Server 2003 so I cannot speak to whether 
or not GCC_XML will function with an installation of VS2005 on Vista.


Scott VanSickle wrote:
> Jason,
> Yes, I installed SP1 a while back.  It definitely helped with a few annoying VC2005 problems.  There is a different SP that you have to install for Vista, in case you're developing with VS2005 on any Vista machines.  We have do test on Vista, so we have all set up secondary dev machines that run Vista so we can debug on that OS.  It's telling that the SP for VS2005 that would allow it to run on Vista came out a while after Vista; that probably means to me that Microsoft never did any debugging of any of their Vista "non-OS" code on Vista!
> Where exactly did you get the new headers?  Are you saying that you have headers with which you can generate Python wrapper classes now?  I got nowhere with the headers that I currently have from GCC_XML or VS2005.  I would be very interested in being able to use Py++ to generate my headers; I am currently doing it all by hand.
> Scott V

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