[C++-sig] Can you tell me how to launch Matlab and run M-files from Python?

Cyril Bazin cyril.bazin at info.unicaen.fr
Mon Dec 3 10:07:12 CET 2007

If you want to matlab in python like if it was runned from the command line,
use the python module "subprocess".
This module requieres at least the version 2.4 of python.



On Dec 3, 2007 7:38 AM, Guofu Chen <itcecsa at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am now implementing a small Python project, what I am going to do is to
> lunch Matlab and run some M-files, and get some output from Matlab command
> prompt. This project will be used on both Windows 32 and Linux.
> I have no idea how to open Matlab from Python! Do I have to make Matlab
> C/C++ source codes to be Python modules so that they can be called by
> Python?
> Any suggestions would be appreciated!
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