[C++-sig] Runtime issues with return_internal_referenceand to_python_converter

Mark English markenglish at freenet.co.uk
Fri Aug 3 00:12:08 CEST 2007

English, Mark <Mark.English <at> rbccm.com> writes:
> In short I've registered a "to_python_converter" for a C++ type, and it's 
not being found with
> "return_internal_reference" although it is used with "return_by_value".

A potential solution.
Essentially I ended up cut'n'pasting return_internal_reference and it's 
surrounding code to call a customised "MakeHolder" model
which looks up the C++ type in the converter registry.

Since the type ends up in a with_custodian_and_ward_postcall it needs to 
support weakref, so in the example PyInner got a bit more convoluted too.

I'm sure there are better ways to do this, and I am concerned that
my lack of boost python understanding and mpl inexperience may lead to bugs 
especially with PyObject ref counting,
so better approaches or flaws in this approach gratefully received.


========== Code ==========
---- custom_return_internal_reference.hpp ----
// File: custom_return_internal_reference.hpp
// Description:
/// custom_call_policies::return_registered_internal_reference
///   Customised version of return_internal_reference which allows delegation
///   to some externally defined "MakeHolder" class
///   (defined as "A class whose static execute() creates an instance_holder")

#pragma once

# include <boost/python/default_call_policies.hpp>
# include <boost/python/return_internal_reference.hpp>
# include <boost/python/reference_existing_object.hpp>
# include <boost/python/to_python_indirect.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
# include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>

namespace custom_call_policies
namespace detail
using namespace boost::python;

/// Default "MakeHolder" model based on
/// "boost/python/to_python_indirect.hpp - detail::make_reference_holder" and
/// "boost/python/to_python_value.hpp - detail::registry_to_python_value"
struct make_registered_reference_holder
    /// Turns a pointer to a C++ type "T" into a "PyObject *" using registered
    /// type lookup. This means C++ type must be manually registered for
    /// conversion
    /// @param T  Parameterised C++ type to convert
    /// @param p  Pointer to instance of C++ type to convert
    /// @return Python object built from registered conversion code
    template <class T>
    static PyObject* execute(T* p)
        typedef objects::pointer_holder<T*, T> holder_t;
        T* q = const_cast<T*>(p);
        // Jump into conversion lookup mechanism
        typedef T argument_type;
        typedef converter::registered<argument_type> r;
    # if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__GNUC__, < 3)
        // suppresses an ICE, somehow
    # endif 
        return converter::registered<argument_type>::converters.to_python(q);

/// reference_existing_object replacement allowing use of different
/// "MakeHolder" model.
/// @param  MakeReferenceHolderSubstitute - Class modelling "MakeHolder"
///                                         Defaults to
///                                         make_registered_reference_holder
template <class MakeReferenceHolderSubstitute>
struct subst_reference_existing_object :
    /// Implicitly relies on "detail" namespace implementation, and falls back
    /// on that implementation if it changes
    template <class T>
    struct apply
        typedef typename reference_existing_object::apply<T>::type basetype_;
        typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
                          T, boost::python::detail::make_reference_holder> >
         ,boost::python::to_python_indirect<T, MakeReferenceHolderSubstitute>
        >::type type;

/// return_internal_reference replacement allowing use of different
/// "ResultConverterGenerator" model rather than "reference_existing_object"
/// Falls back on Boost implementation if it ceases to use
/// "reference_existing_object"
/// @param ReferenceExistingObjectSubstitute  - "ResultConverterGenerator"
///                                             model replacement for
///                                             "reference_existing_object"
/// @param  owner_arg                         - See boost documentation
/// @param  BasePolicy_                       - See boost documentation
template <class ReferenceExistingObjectSubstitute
         ,std::size_t owner_arg = 1, class BasePolicy_ = default_call_policies>
struct subst_return_internal_reference :
  boost::python::return_internal_reference<owner_arg, BasePolicy_>
    typedef boost::python::return_internal_reference<owner_arg
                                                    ,BasePolicy_> basetype_;
    typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
      boost::is_same<typename basetype_::result_converter
     ,typename basetype_::result_converter>::type result_converter;
} // Ends namespace detail

// Typedefs for programmer convenience
typedef detail::subst_reference_existing_object<
  > reference_registered_existing_object;

// In place of a typedef template
/// Call policy to create internal references to registered types
template <std::size_t owner_arg = 1, class BasePolicy_ = default_call_policies>
struct return_registered_internal_reference :
                                         ,owner_arg, BasePolicy_>
} // Ends namespace custom_call_policies

---- test.cpp ----
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <structmember.h>   // PyMemberDef

#include "custom_return_internal_reference.hpp"

class Inner
struct PyInner
  PyObject *ppyobjWeakrefList;
  Inner *pinner;

// New/Dealloc added to support weakref
PyObject * PyInnerNew (PyTypeObject *ptypeNew, PyObject *ppyobjArgs, PyObject 
  PyObject *ppyobjNew = PyType_GenericNew(ptypeNew, ppyobjArgs, ppyobjKwds);

  if (ppyobjNew != NULL && !PyErr_Occurred()) // If created object ok
    PyInner *ppyinnerNew = reinterpret_cast<PyInner *>(ppyobjNew);
    ppyinnerNew->ppyobjWeakrefList = NULL;

  return ppyobjNew;

static void PyInnerDealloc(PyInner *ppyinnerDealloc)
  // Allocate temporaries if needed, but do not begin destruction just yet
  if (ppyinnerDealloc->ppyobjWeakrefList != NULL)
    PyObject_ClearWeakRefs(reinterpret_cast<PyObject *>(ppyinnerDealloc));

static PyMemberDef l_amemberPyInner[] =
    {"__weakref__", T_OBJECT, offsetof(PyInner, ppyobjWeakrefList), 0},

PyTypeObject typeInner =
    0                                         // ob_size (?!?!?)
   ,"Inner"                                   // tp_name
   ,sizeof(PyInner)                           // tp_basicsize
   ,0                                         // tp_itemsize
   ,(destructor)&PyInnerDealloc               // tp_dealloc
   ,0                                         // tp_print
   ,0                                         // tp_getattr
   ,0                                         // tp_setattr
   ,0                                         // tp_compare
   ,0                                         // tp_repr
   ,0                                         // tp_as_number
   ,0                                         // tp_as_sequence
   ,0                                         // tp_as_mapping
   ,0                                         // tp_hash 
   ,0                                         // tp_call
   ,0                                         // tp_str
   ,0                                         // tp_getattro
   ,0                                         // tp_setattro
   ,0                                         // tp_as_buffer
   ,0                                         // tp_doc
   ,0                                         // tp_traverse
   ,0                                         // tp_clear
   ,0                                         // tp_richcompare
   ,offsetof(PyInner, ppyobjWeakrefList)      // tp_weaklistoffset
   ,0                                         // tp_iter
   ,0                                         // tp_iternext
   ,0                                         // tp_methods
   ,l_amemberPyInner                          // tp_members
   ,0                                         // tp_getset
   ,0                                         // tp_base
   ,0                                         // tp_dict
   ,0                                         // tp_descr_get
   ,0                                         // tp_descr_set
   ,0                                         // tp_dictoffset
   ,0                                         // tp_init
   ,0                                         // tp_alloc
   ,PyInnerNew                                // tp_new

struct convert_inner_to_python
  static PyObject * convert(Inner const &rinner)
    PyInner *ppyinnerReturn = PyObject_New(PyInner, &typeInner);
    ppyinnerReturn->ppyobjWeakrefList = NULL;
    ppyinnerReturn->pinner = const_cast<Inner *>(&rinner); // This looks 
decidedly like a bad idea
    PyObject *ppyobjReturn = reinterpret_cast <PyObject *>(ppyinnerReturn);
    return ppyobjReturn;

struct Outer
 Inner m_inner;

namespace ConversionExample
void export()
  using namespace boost::python;
  using custom_call_policies::return_registered_internal_reference;
  typeInner.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
  to_python_converter<Inner, convert_inner_to_python>();
//  convert_python_to_inner();

    // This works but object lifetime is incorrect
    .add_property("innerval", make_getter(&Outer::m_inner, 
    //This now also works
    .add_property("inner", make_getter(&Outer::m_inner, 
} // End of namespace ConversionExample

namespace {
} // Ends anonymous namespace
---- test.py ----
import unittest

class TestCaseBoostPython(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_OuterInner(self):
        import testboostpython
        import gc
        def do_test_value():
            outerTest = testboostpython.Outer()
            inner = outerTest.innerval
            del outerTest
            return inner
            return inner
        def do_test():
            outerTest = testboostpython.Outer()
            inner = outerTest.inner
            del outerTest
            return inner
        #This works but wrong lifetime
        innerTestVal = do_test_value()
        self.assertEqual(type(innerTestVal).__name__, 'Inner')
        #This also works
        innerTest = do_test()
        self.assertEqual(type(innerTest).__name__, 'Inner')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from test.test_support import run_unittest

========== Output ==========
test_OuterInner (__main__.TestCaseBoostPython) ... ok

Ran 1 test in 0.015s


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