[C++-sig] Complete confustion about using Boost.Python

David Huebel davidhuebel at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 05:47:26 CEST 2006

> Which files are those?

boost_1_33_1/libs/python/build/Jamfile, for one.

The tutorial Jamfile says:

# requirements and dependencies for Boost.Python extensions

I extracted and built Boost in my home directory and set BOOST_ROOT to
/home/david/boost_1_33_1, so the line above directs bjam to the
directory /home/david/boost_1_33_1/libs/python/build.  If I remove
/home/david/boost_1_33_1/libs/python/build/Jamfile and try to build an
extension, I get:

/home/david/boost_1_33_1/libs/python/build/Jamfile: No such file or directory

I know this file isn't available anywhere else on the system, because
searching for all Jamfiles shows that they are all under the Boost
build tree or in my extension projects.  (The Boost include files were
installed to /usr/local/include/boost-1_33_1/boost/, and the Boost
libraries were installed to /usr/local/lib64.)  That means I can't
change BOOST_ROOT to point anywhere else, so I have to keep the build
tree around to build extensions.

>From your comments, I must be doing something wrong.  Can I do without
libs/python/build/Jamfile?  Did I miss an option that would have
installed it along with the rest of Boost?  Thanks for your patience.

David Huebel

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