[C++-sig] implicitly_convertible or order of init's problem

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 21:28:49 CEST 2006

Hi. I found some very very strange behaviour.
Please, consider next code:

struct vector{


    vector( double ){}

    vector( const vector& ){}


struct float_vector{


    float_vector( const float_vector& ){}

    float_vector( const vector& ){}

    float_vector( float ){}


namespace bp = boost::python;


    bp::class_< float_vector >( "float_vector" )

        .def( bp::init< >() )

        .def( bp::init< vector const & >() )

        .def( bp::init< float >() )

        .def( bp::init< const float_vector& >() );

    bp::implicitly_convertible< vector const &, float_vector >();

    bp::implicitly_convertible< float, float_vector >();

    bp::class_< vector >( "vector" )

        .def( bp::init< >() )

        .def( bp::init< double >() );

    bp::implicitly_convertible< double, vector >();


import ic_ext
ic_ext.float_vector( 5.0 )

The last line fails with the error:
TypeError: No registered converter was able to extract a C++ reference to type
vector from this Python object of type float

Why Boost.Python does not use float_vector( float ) constructor?

If I reorder the init methods "ic_ext.float_vector( 5.0 )" expression pass:

    bp::class_< float_vector >( "float_vector" )
        .def( bp::init< >() )
        .def( bp::init< vector const & >() )
        .def( bp::init< const float_vector& >() )
        .def( bp::init< float >() );

If I comment out "bp::implicitly_convertible< vector const &, float_vector >();"
than "ic_ext.float_vector( 5.0 )" expression pass.

It could be nice to understand why this happens. I attached small example
that reproduce the problem.( I hope this time I did it right :-) )


Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding
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