[C++-sig] [boost.python] Indexing suite problems with convertable element type

Kirill Lapshin kir at lapshin.net
Thu Sep 7 21:37:36 CEST 2006


I am just making my first step in boost.python world, so please forgive 
me for potential FAQ, but I can't find an answer in docs and by googling.

I have a custom date class, that I registered for conversion to Python's 
datetime.date object. Individual dates convert fine, but when I 
registered vector<date> with indexing suite, I have a problem that I can 
insert python date objects into vector, but can't extract them. E.g.

     >>> v = vector_day()
     >>> v.append( datetime.date(2006,1,1) )
     >>> len(v)
     >>> v[0]
     Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
     TypeError: No Python class registered for C++ class class day

vector_day is exposed like this:

     bp::class_< std::vector<day, std::allocator<day> > >( "vector_day" 
         .def( bp::vector_indexing_suite<
             ::std::vector<day, std::allocator<day> > >() );

As I said, individual date objects convert just fine back and forth, 
i.e. function

     day test_day( day x ) { return x+1; }

exposed as

     typedef day ( *function_ptr_t )( day );

     bp::def( "test_day", function_ptr_t( &test_day ), ( bp::arg("x") ),
         bp::default_call_policies() );

can be used from Python without problems:

     >>> test_day( datetime.date(2006,1,1) )
     datetime.date(2006, 1, 2)

What am I doing wrong?

Kirill Lapshin

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