[C++-sig] [boost::python] Unresolved overloaded function - methods with same name

yardbird yardbird at nerdshack.com
Fri Oct 27 17:48:50 CEST 2006


I have a problem with getters/setters methods with the same name which both 
return cont/non-const reference to a class' data member. For instance:

struct Foo {
   Foo(int x) { b = x; }
   int const& get_b() const { return b; }
   int & get_b() { return b; }
   int b;

// Wrapper code

   class_<Foo>("Foo", init<int>())
      .def("get_b", &Foo::get_b);

When I try to build this it seems like it cannot decide whether it should use 
the const or non-const method to access the member. The error I get is 
something like:

[...]no matching function for call to [...] ::def(const char [6], <unresolved 
overloaded function type>,[...]

I know I could just make "b" public and then use .defreadonly/.defreadwrite to 
access it, but I would like to keep unaltered the original layout of the 

Sorry if this is a stupid question, I looked at the documentation and tried to 
use "return_internal_reference<>()" and the likes but I really could not 
figure it out.

Thanks very much,


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