[C++-sig] TnFOX with the latest py++ from SVN

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Sun Oct 1 20:21:06 CEST 2006

Sorry it's taken so long to get onto this - but I have some 

WARNING: void FX::FXGLViewer::eyeToScreen(FX::FXint & sx, FX::FXint & 
sy, FX::FXVec3f e) [member_function]
> The function takes as argument (name=sx, pos=0 ) non-const reference
> to C++ fundamental type - function could not be called from Python.

Surely BPL can rebind the value of sx on output back to the input? I 
remember something in the tutorial about this just working out of the 

cope_fxwindow_ptr__grate___grate_.pypp.cpp, it doesn't automatically 
include boost/python/suite/indexing/vector_indexing_suite.hpp which 
it should as it uses it.

I've added the insertion of a preprocessor define to indicate the 
file being compiled so a general include 'patches.h' can insert 
custom code:

Index: multiple_files.py
--- multiple_files.py	(revision 609)
+++ multiple_files.py	(working copy)
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
         if self.extmodule.license:
             answer.append( self.extmodule.license.create() )
+        answer.append( '#define 
PYPP_BUILDING_'+file_name.replace('.', '_').upper() )
         head_headers = [ file_name + self.HEADER_EXT ]
         answer.append( self.create_include_code( creators, 
head_headers ) )

py++ still tries to subclass unions with wrappers, or expose them as 
read only data. This of course fails.

I have a class called SysRandomness inheriting off FRandomness ie; 	
class SysRandomness : protected QMutex, protected FRandomness. This 
causes py++ to specify FRandomness as the base class but this causes 
BPL to give an error as a pointer to SysRandomness cannot be 
converted to FRandomness. How do I disable py++ using bases<> for 
this class?

The old problem of badly ordered declarations still occurs. After 
linking and on running I get:

exceptions.TypeError,No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ 
type: enum FX::FXACL::EntityType at line ? in ?

This is due to:

    { //::FX::FXACL
        typedef bp::class_< FXACL_wrapper > FXACL_exposer_t;
        FXACL_exposer_t FXACL_exposer = FXACL_exposer_t( "FXACL", 
bp::init< bp::optional< FX::FXACL::EntityType, FX::FXACLEntity const 
& > >(( bp::arg("type")=::FX::FXACL::Unknown, 
bp::arg("owner")=FX::FXACLEntity::currentUser( ) )) );
        bp::scope FXACL_scope( FXACL_exposer );
        bp::enum_< FX::FXACL::EntityType>("EntityType")
            .value("Unknown", FX::FXACL::Unknown)
            .value("File", FX::FXACL::File)
            .value("Directory", FX::FXACL::Directory)
            .value("Pipe", FX::FXACL::Pipe)
            .value("MemMap", FX::FXACL::MemMap)

py++ specifies FXACL::EntityType as an optional construction 
parameter, but BPL needs it declared before usage. Not sure how this 
can be done sadly other than fixing BPL.

Otherwise, things have improved greatly! I especially like the new 
bitfield support.


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