[C++-sig] Passing C++ objects to Python by reference

Garrick Chin nonexistent.ftp at gmail.com
Mon May 29 23:03:54 CEST 2006

The below class is defined in C++ and exposed in Python:

class A
        :value("unchanged") { }

    void setValue(std::string newValue) { value = newValue; }

    std::string value;

The following method is defined in Python:

def changeA(a):

When changeA() is passed an object created in Python:

a1 = A()
print a1.value    #prints "changed"

the passed in object gets changed, but when the equivalent is done in C++:

A a2;
object changeA = dictionary["changeA"];
std::cout << a2 << "\n";    //prints "unchanged"

it appears that the C++ object is passed to Python by value instead of
reference.  Is there a way to specify passing by reference instead of
value to boost::python?

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