[C++-sig] Polymorphism and Dangling Reference exception

Garrick Chin nonexistent.ftp at gmail.com
Thu May 18 21:12:35 CEST 2006

Hello all, I am trying to run a basic polymorphism test for
boost::python using the following simple code:


struct Shape
    virtual ~Shape() {}

    virtual std::string draw(const std::string& param) = 0;

struct ShapeWrap : Shape, wrapper<Shape>
    std::string draw(const std::string& param)
        return this->get_override("draw")(param);

std::string printShape(Shape* shape)
    return shape->draw("blah");

    class_<ShapeWrap, boost::noncopyable>("Shape")
        .def("draw", pure_virtual(&Shape::draw))

    def("printShape", &printShape);


import test

class Circle(test.Shape):
    def draw(self, param):
        return "circle: " + param

print test.printShape(Circle())

When the Python interpeter hits the "print test.printShape(Circle())"
line, it throws the following exception:

ReferenceError: Attempt to return dangling reference to object of
type: class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class
std::allocator<char> >

I do not understand why this would be thrown.  I am not returning any
references or pointers, and I basically copied this code from the
documentation.  What would be causing this exception?  Thank you for
your time.

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