[C++-sig] Exposing c++ classes with static arrays using Boost.Python and py++

Abhi abhi at qualcomm.com
Thu May 4 02:51:43 CEST 2006

While running py++ on a class with a static array inside it, py++ generates 
Boost.Python bindings using a derived class for the original C++ class.
Let me illustrate with the help of the following example:

class AttributesTest
  int staticIntArray[10];

Notice this class has an array inside it

Running py++ generates the following code, with a wrapper class that 
derives from the AttributesTest class.

struct AttributesTest_wrapper : AttributesTest, bp::wrapper< AttributesTest 
> {

    AttributesTest_wrapper(AttributesTest const & arg )
    : AttributesTest( arg )
      , bp::wrapper< AttributesTest >()

    AttributesTest_wrapper( )
    : AttributesTest( )
      , bp::wrapper< AttributesTest >()

    pyplusplus::containers::static_sized::array_1_t< int, 10 >
        return pyplusplus::containers::static_sized::array_1_t< int, 10 >( 
staticIntArray );




    if( true ){
        typedef bp::class_< AttributesTest_wrapper > 
        AttributesTest_exposer_t AttributesTest_exposer = 
AttributesTest_exposer_t( "AttributesTest" );
        bp::scope AttributesTest_scope( AttributesTest_exposer );
        AttributesTest_exposer.def( bp::init< 
>()[bp::default_call_policies()] );

        pyplusplus::containers::static_sized::register_array_1< int, 10, 
bp::default_call_policies >( "__array_1_int_10" );
        AttributesTest_exposer.add_property( "staticIntArray"
            , bp::make_function( 
(pyplusplus::containers::static_sized::array_1_t< int, 10 > ( 
AttributesTest_wrapper::* )(  ) 
                        , bp::with_custodian_and_ward_postcall< 0, 1, 
bp::default_call_policies >() ) );;

Note that it maps the python name "AttributesTest" to the derived class 

Why not just keep it simple and rather than creating a derived class just 
map the variable "staticIntArray" via a global method, such as:
.add_property( "staticIntArray"
            , bp::make_function( (&::someglobal_staticIntArray_wrapper)
                        , bp::with_custodian_and_ward_postcall< 0, 1, 
bp::default_call_policies >() ) );;

and define the someglobal_staticIntArray_wrapper method as:

pyplusplus::containers::static_sized::array_1_t< int, 10 >
        return pyplusplus::containers::static_sized::array_1_t< int, 10 >( 
staticIntArray );

Is there any drawback with just mapping the array variable to a global 
method rather than mapping the whole class.

- Abhi

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