[C++-sig] Wrappend objects identity problem

Victor Nakoryakov nail-mail at mail.ru
Thu Mar 30 14:38:47 CEST 2006

Victor Nakoryakov wrote:
> Ok, I think my previous post was too complicated, here is simplified 
> version:
>>class A
>>boost::shared_ptr<A> ptr;
>>boost::shared_ptr<A> getA()
>>	if (!ptr)
>>		ptr = boost::shared_ptr<A>(new A);
>>	return ptr;
>>void Init()
>>	python::class_< A, boost::shared_ptr<A>, boost::noncopyable >( "AClass", python::no_init );
>>	python::def("getA", &getA);
> And py code is:
>>a1 = getA()
>>a2 = getA()
>>l = [a1, a2]
>>print a1
>>print a2
>>print getA() in l
>>print a1 is a2
>>print a1 == a2
> Output is:
> <_mymodule.AClass object at 0x017DB070>
> <_mymodule.AClass object at 0x017DB0B0>  <- another address!
> False
> False
> False
> The question is the same: What I have to do to have the same address of 
> AClass every time I call getA() from python.
> I can't find solution already for 3 days. Have anyone ideas?

Ok... The question is simplified. Who knows a chain that converts 
HeldType (boost::shared_ptr<A> in this case) to PyObject* ? And where I 
can done any overloads or specializations to force c++ to return the 
same PyObject* for the same raw pointer to A instance?

I don't know is it question simplification, or vice versa, but anyway 
I'm in great need of an answer.

Victor (aka nail) Nakoryakov

Krasnoznamensk, Moscow, Russia

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