[C++-sig] Newbie Question about wrapping a function with int *, int & , etc...

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 07:22:24 CET 2006

On 3/18/06, Abhi <abhi at qualcomm.com> wrote:
> Dear Roman,
>     Thanks for the wrapper code. It works great.
> > This was easy, right? So why "no"? Because there is no code generator that
> > supports this feature. I plan to add to pyplusplus such feature. You are
> > welcome to contribute: test cases or code.
>     We are looking at py++. I will keep you posted.

Take a look on CVS. Now it is usable. Matthias and Allen did great job.
Now it has very simple interface.

>     - Abhi

Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

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