[C++-sig] X_wrap(PyObject* self, int v) FAQ example won't compile

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Mon Mar 13 07:40:21 CET 2006

Christophe Gratin <christophe.gratin at adcis.net> writes:

> I tried the following code from the boost python FAQ, 
> (http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/v2/faq.html) but it doesn't 
> compile (MS Visual C++ 2005).
> The error message is dumped below.
> class X { public: X(int) {}; virtual ~X(){}; };
> struct X_wrap : X
> {
>     X_wrap(PyObject* self, int v) : self(self), X(v) {}
>     PyObject* self;
> };
> {
>     {
>         class_<X,X_wrap>("X", init<int>());
>     }
> }

The error comes from trying to expose the copy ctor for X and not
finding an appropriate X_wrap ctor containing a PyObject* as its first
argument.  You can fix it by adding boost::noncopyable to the template
argument list for class_

    class_<X,X_wrap,boost::noncopyable>("X", init<int>());

Sorry for the hassle.  FAQ updated.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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