[C++-sig] Casting from Base to Derived

Kelly Burkhart kelly at kkcsm.net
Fri Mar 10 16:35:13 CET 2006

Greetings (and thanks for help on my last question!)

Given the following C++:

class Base {...};
class D1 : public Base {...};
class D2 : public Base {...};

struct Foo {
    std::auto_ptr<Base> func();       // may return a D1 or D2


    class_<Base>("Base", no_init);
    class_<D1, bases<Base>() ...;
    class_<D2, bases<Base>() ...;

How can I expose Foo so that Foo::func() returns a D1 or D2 rather than a
Base?  What is the appropriate alternative to the C++ dynamic_cast?


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