[C++-sig] pyplusplus tutorials & GUI wizard

Matthias Baas baas at ira.uka.de
Mon Jan 30 16:04:36 CET 2006

Roman Yakovenko wrote:
>> Now I have an output file that contains some stuff, a lot of stuff
>> indeed! Now the question is, how do I reduce this stuff? What filter do
>> I have to use? Basically, for now I only want one single class that's
>> inside that namespace. So how I can tell pyplusplus to only wrap that
>> specific class?
> take a look on http://tinyurl.com/9uhv4 or http://tinyurl.com/e44kh.
> see filter_declarations method. This should help, if not please speak.

ok. I'm using a custom filter function now that rejects everything 
except my desired class. The test is based on decl.name (by the way, a 
reference manual where the attributes and methods of those declaration 
objects are documented would come in rather handy at this point ;)
So far so good...

>> Another thing I noticed, the header files included in the output file
>> are specified with their *absolute* path (even standard header files).
>> Is this intentional or is this a bug? I'd recommend to output the header
>> names just as they were specified in the original files. Currently, this
>> prevents me from taking the generated source files to another system and
>>   compile them there.
> May be there is some problem with standard header files. But pyplusplus is
> flexible enough to allow you to specify additional include directories:
> code_creators.module_t has 2 properties:
> std_directories
> user_defined_directories.
> You can add your include directories to user_defined_directories list.

Right, after adding the paths to 'user_defined_directories' the #include 
statements look good.
(It's a bit unfortunate that I have to pass the path information twice 
in my script (once for parser_config and once for the above attribute). 
It would be nice if the information could be reused.)

I extended my test and already added more than one class and tried the 
write_multiple_files() function. Basically, it works fine, but one 
problem still remains: The output files will only compile if I include 
some additional header files (which actually depend on the class I'm 
wrapping). So how do I tell pyplusplus to add those headers to the 
output files? (in Pyste I was using the declaration_code() function)

- Matthias -

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