[C++-sig] Pyplusplus templates and roadmap

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 07:21:52 CET 2006

On 1/15/06, Allen Bierbaum <abierbaum at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am looking at using pyplusplus to replace my current usage of Pyste
> on one of my projects.  In reading through the comparison between the
> two (http://www.language-binding.net/pyplusplus/to_pyste_comparison.html)
> it looks like pyplusplus does not support templates.

It does not supports templates as Pyste. This is true. But pyplusplus
provides you with
an other way. Can you take a look at boost.date_time library? This
library is "one big template". I exposed whole library to show the
power of pyplusplus. I am almost sure you
can do the same with your library too. You can find relevant files
within "examples" directory.

>Unfortunately my
> current project makes extensive use of templates so I may need to hold
> off on converting it.
> Taking that in account, is there a development roadmap for future
> features of pyplusplus?  Will  it support templates at any point in
> the near future.

Please, take a look on boost.date_time example. If you still need some
 changes in interface or suggestions - I am here.

> Thanks,
> Allen

If you decide not to switch from Pyste I would like to hear the reasons.

Good luck.

Roman Yakovenko

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