[C++-sig] boost::any

Christophe de Vienne cdevienne at alphacent.com
Wed Feb 22 17:34:29 CET 2006


First I want to say how impressed I am by the boost::python library.
Each time I get one more think to work with python in my program, I just
think : 'Wao... Easy, Powerfull and Elegant... I must dreaming :-)'

But (there is a but), despite the amount of documentation I searched
through, I couldn't find some hint about using boost::any along with

My problem is the following :

I am using in a very few places some std::vector<boost::any>, and I need to
pass them to a python function which should return another vector of the
same type. The function is a virtual one.

I see two (three ?) possibilities :

1st - register a converter to boost::any which reuse the registration system
to make the job (is it doable ? realistic ? stupid ?)

2nd - Since I use a known set of types, hand-code a converter. In that case,
how should I define the functions in my class ? Where to start ?

3rd - Modify my program architecture so there is no need for those ugly

I am a bit lost at this point, so a few hints would help me a lot to make a
decision about this.

Thanks very much,


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