[C++-sig] compile libboost_python.a with '-fPIC' flag on x86_64

Rene Rivera grafik.list at redshift-software.com
Fri Feb 17 18:52:04 CET 2006

Grant Tang wrote:
> Yes, I can deliver all SOs in a directory, and ask user set a
> $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to that directory. But we still hope we can build it
> statically into our own .so library like what we did for all other
> dependency libraries.

Perhaps you missed it, it is subtle, there's no need to set 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The link flag I mentioned makes it so that they search 
the EXEs/SOs directory for the dependencies, first, than the regular 

-- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- Redshift Software, Inc. - http://redshift-software.com
-- rrivera/acm.org - grafik/redshift-software.com
-- 102708583/icq - grafikrobot/aim - grafikrobot/yahoo

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