[C++-sig] boost.python version that contains indexing suite.

Balasubramanyam, Shivakumar sbalasub at qualcomm.com
Tue Aug 8 06:10:31 CEST 2006


Can someone provide a tar file for the boost.python code that contains
the indexing_suite_v2. The last time I tried, I had the compilation
failures and could go no further.

I followed the steps listed in
http://home.clara.net/raoulgough/boost/index.html, but with the latest
version of boost.

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at boost.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/boost co
-P boost
cvs update -d -r indexing_v2 boost/python/suite/indexing
cvs update -d -r indexing_v2 libs/python

Any ideas?

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