[C++-sig] Pyplusplus: Exporting arrays of non-copyable type?

Haridev, Meghana mharidev at qualcomm.com
Fri Aug 4 03:14:05 CEST 2006

Hi Folks,


I'm using pyplusplus to generate boost.python wrappers for the following
piece of C++ code:




class Base {


    Base() { }


   // Copy constructor and assignment operator should not

   // be used.

   Base(const Base&);

   const Base& operator=(const Base&);



class Derv: public Base {


   int x;



class Test: public Base {


    Derv dataArray[20];




In class Test, the dataArray if of type Derv which is a non-copyable
type (because of private copy constructor and assignment operator of
Base class). In other words, this is not allowed:


>> obj = Test()

>> obj.dataArray[0] = Derv() #Not allowed


But the pyplusplus generated code (register_array_1() in
__array_1.pypp.hpp) exposes a set_item method for the data array though
it's type is non-copyable and hence the code does not compile with the
following error message:


test.cpp:8: error: 'const Base& Base::operator=(const Base&)' is private

test.cpp:11: error: within this context

__array_1.pypp.hpp: In member function 'void
size>::set_item(long unsigned int, typename boost::call_traits<const
TItemType>::param_type) [with TItemType = Derv, long unsigned int size =

__array_1.pypp.hpp:73: warning: synthesized method 'Derv&
Derv::operator=(const Derv&)' first required here



Please see attached source/generated files.


Is there any way I can make pyplusplus to NOT generate the set_item
method for arrays of non-copyable type? (maybe by setting some flag?)




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