[C++-sig] wrapping an abstract class with out parameters using boost.python

Guillaume Desticourt guillaume.desticourt at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 18:07:34 CEST 2006


i try to wrap an abstract class so i can create class that inherit from it
in python
but at run time i got the following error message:
RuntimeError: extension class wrapper for base class
pimp::gfx2d::DisplayData has not been created yet

my class is something like that:

class DisplayData : public IdData, public LoadData, public
 virtual void accept(DisplayDataVisitor &visitor) = 0;
 virtual void getZone(Zone &zone, long time) const = 0;
// ...

so i wrote a class:

class DisplayDataWrap :
  public DisplayData,
  public wrapper<DisplayData>;

to encapsulate the DisplayData::accept, i ve defined:

  void DisplayDataWrap::accept(DisplayDataVisitor &visitor)

and in the module definition i do:
 class_<DisplayDataWrap, boost::noncopyable>("PyDisplayData", no_init)
    .def("accept", pure_virtual(&DisplayData::accept))

the problem is that i have no idea how to encapsulate:
the DisplaData::getZone method...
i tried
  Zone getZone(void) const
    Zone zone;
    return zone;

 Zone (DisplayDataWrap::*getZone1)(void) const = &DisplayDataWrap::getZone;

  class_<DisplayDataWrap, boost::noncopyable>("PyDisplayData", no_init)
    .def("getZone", getZone1) ;

and then i get the error messge
RuntimeError: extension class wrapper for base class
pimp::gfx2d::DisplayData has not been created yet
and i am not even sure i ll be able to override the getZone in python...

any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Guillaume Desticourt
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