[C++-sig] python override of C++ virtual mem fun not exactly working yet

DRandallTaylor DRandallTaylor at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 1 23:45:25 CEST 2006

I've added the invocation of the base class constructor (thanks Stefan):

class InboxListener(Callback):
	def __init__(self, sess):
		self.inbox = sess.CreateInbox(self)  # ArgumentError here
	def OnData():
		print "OnData called"

But I still get this:

ArgumentError: Python argument types in
    VIAmSession.CreateInbox(Session, InboxListener)
did not match C++ signature:
    CreateInbox(class Session {lvalue}, class Callback {lvalue})

Python does not yet know that my InboxListener is derived from Callback.  How 
shall I tell her?


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