[C++-sig] How to export non virtual protected functions?

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 07:27:26 CEST 2005

Good morning. I have a question regardless exposing protected functions.

1. What is the right way to export do_it function ?

struct S1{
        void do_it(){}

User should be able to derive in Python from S1 and to use do_it function.

This is the code that pyplusplus generates right now. Pyste doesn't
treat this use case too.
( So can't use it for solution ).

namespace bp = boost::python;

    bp::class_< S1 >( "S1" );
    bp::class_< S2, bp::bases< S1 > >( "S2" );

There are a few possible solutions, also all of them includes creating
wrapper class.
I created this wrapper for S1.

namespace bp = boost::python;
struct S1_wrapper : S1, bp::wrapper< S1 > {

    void do_it( ){
        if( bp::override do_it = this->get_override( "do_it" ) )
            do_it( );
            S1::do_it( );

    void default_do_it( ){
        S1::do_it( );

solution 1:
    1. S1_wrapper::do_it should be deleted
    2.  bp::class_< S1 >( "S1" );
         bp::class_< S1_wrapper >( "S1" )
             .def( "do_it", &S1_wrapper::default_do_it );
solution 2:
    To treat do_it as virtual function.
solution 3:
    Your solution comes here.

Thanks for the help.

Roman Yakovenko

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