[C++-sig] porting Qt 3.3.x to python

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 22 18:03:34 CET 2005

--- "Seker, Noam" <noam.seker at intel.com> wrote:

> Thanks.
> PyQt package is built with SIP. I tried to use PyQt objects from a code
> wrapped with boost/python but, at least in my naïve example, same object
> (name) in boost and in PyQt have different 'signature'. 
> Is there a way to bridge between the 2 python wrappers?

I am not aware of interfaces between SIP-generated wrappers and Boost.Python.

> Can I tell boost to use qt objects from PyQt instead of generating it's own
> version of them?

That's probably something you'd have to figure out yourself. A few months ago
someone asked a similar question regarding SWIG. It was surprisingly easy to
support passing SWIG-wrapped objects to Boost.Python wrapped functions:



If you are lucky, maybe something similar works for SIP. You'd have to find out
how the SIP wrapping mechanism works.


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