[C++-sig] Re: newbie questions...

Marco Correia mvc at di.fct.unl.pt
Wed Mar 30 15:49:18 CEST 2005


Thanks a lot for the replies. I was not subscribed (I have been following this 
thread on the mailing list archives), and therefore I'm not sure if this mail 
will be filed in the correct thread (I'm hoping that keeping the same subject 
line will do it).

Ok, so here are my questions:

- Will this solution work with a user defined type UserT, i.e. will it allow 
python users to handle pair<UserT,UserT> ?
- If not, then why can't we just have a single 'convert_to_python' template 
which we would then specialize for user defined types, and use it in the 
convert function as I did in my previous post?
- Where is the documentation for boost::python::incref ? I can't find it in 
the reference manual.


Marco Correia <mvc at di.fct.unl.pt>

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