[C++-sig] Constructors (and destrucrtors) wrappers

Eric Jardim ericjardim at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 17:04:28 CEST 2005

Hi, again...

There is a case where I have an object constructor that recieves the
(int argc, char** argv) parameter from the main function:

class QApplication {
   QApplication(int argc, char** argv) {...}

main(int argc, char** argv)
   obj = new QApplication(argc, argv);

Is it possible to change the way it is constructed, just passing a
list of args (the way of python does)

>>> import sys
>>> import Qt
>>> app = Qt.QApplication(sys.argv)
>>> ...

I thinked some possibilities:
   * Creating a free function (or static method) with a factory role.
But it could confuse the API...
   * Extending the class and reimplementing the constructor. I am
afraid of this, because I do not know how extended objects will behave
in python. Especially if some of them are constructed internally (in

The same question is applied to destructors.

Any help and insights are welcome :)


[Eric Jardim]

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