[C++-sig] Re: 'numpy' test broken?

Vladimir Prus ghost at cs.msu.su
Wed Mar 23 09:31:40 CET 2005

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

>> Hello,
>> using fresh CVS state, I get failure of the 'numpy' test. I run:
>>   bjam -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr -sPYTHON_VERSION=2.3 numpy
>> and get error. The interesting part of the test output is:
> I just checked in a workaround (numpy.py in test directory):
> # Unfortunately the doctest module works differently in Python versions
> # 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4. Newer versions evaluate all docstrings, even that
> # of objects with names starting with an underscore. To portably disable
> # tests based on the availability of Numeric and Numpy, the corresponding
> # test functions are simply deleted below if necessary.
> It is not a perfect fix since newer versions of Python's doctest module
> examine functions that we do not want to have examined, leading to
> spurious output, but that's all I have time for and the nasty long error
> messages are gone at least.

Thank you!

- Volodya

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