[C++-sig] Re: hello.pyd - where did it go?

Jesper Olsen jesper.olsen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 05:17:21 CET 2005

On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 15:42:01 -0500, David Abrahams
<dave at boost-consulting.com> wrote:
> Jesper Olsen <jesper.olsen at gmail.com> writes:
> > Anyway - I'm glad it's working now.
> > I think the python bridge is very cool - much easier than writing the
> > usual c interface files.
> > However - installation and distribution of code is less streamlined
> > than using python distutils - but I guess it was not the intention to
> > replace that anyway.
> Well, it is our intention to fully replace distutils for the purposes
> of C++, very soon.  And distutils was very bad at dealing with C++
> last time I looked.

I'm glad to hear that.
Nevertheless - boost is very big - much bigger than c-python. I put it
on a webserver, where it made a serious dent in the harddisk space.

Distutils is not great as a build environment - but you can tell it to
eg. use g++ as the linker - so that your extension can be in C++ as
long as the python interface is C...
But one thing I find frustrating is that it shields you from platform specific
details - making it very hard to e.g. pass "unusual" options to the
compiler etc.

The good thing about disutils though is that it is very easy to give your source
code to someone else - and they will be able to install it and use
with very little fuss.


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