[C++-sig] Re: Problems with dynamic casts

Aaron Bentley abentley at panoramicfeedback.com
Mon Mar 21 16:51:04 CET 2005

David Abrahams wrote:
>   ^^^
> That's not very useful; it produces a syntax error.  Please post
> something that compiles.

This will take a while, since I'm not familiar with building shared 
libraries, except by letting autoconf/automake do it.

>>Everything except wrapper.cpp is built as one shared library.
> And how is wrapper.cpp built?
> How about just posting a Jamfile?

I can do that, but again I'd have to create a new Jamfile.

> How about reducing your python test program to something that does a
> single operation that causes an assertion to fire?  Trying to figure
> out what you think the behavior ought to be from all this output is
> going to be hard.

There are three things that go wrong:
1. calling a function that takes a pointer/reference to the SubClass 
with a BaseClass& that refers to a SubClass
2. dynamically casting from BaseClass
3. dynamically casting from SubClass

The behavior ought to be:
Testing SubClass
subcl can be passed to test_subclass directly
subcl can be passed to test_subclass when returned as a base class
subcl can be dynamically cast from subclass
subcl can be dynamically cast from base class

Although I've been able to get the test cases to do that, I've been 
unable to get the real code to do that.

Aaron Bentley
Director of Technology
Panometrics, Inc.

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