[C++-sig] Boost.Python: An attempt compile with Borland

Michal Kandulski Michal.Kandulski at poczta.onet.pl
Wed Mar 16 16:44:45 CET 2005


Is anyone interested in making Boost.Python compile with Borland?
Has anyone tried to do it?
Is there any reason for which it is impossible?

Im rather new to Boost.Python although quite experienced in C++.
I've read the tutorial and I like the project very much. I've also 
tried some of the examples with mingw.

Unfortunately I'm using the Borland compiler and this is something I 
can't change :-(.
I know the library won't compile with Borland because of it's poor 
template implementation (and lots of other bugs).


I tried to make it compile and I'm almost (99%) successful. All the 
cpp's get compiled.


it simply does'n work because of some compiler features (differences), 
either in compiletime or in runtime.



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