[C++-sig] hello.pyd - where did it go?

Jesper Olsen jesper.olsen at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 07:29:33 CET 2005


I just installed boost 1.32 on linux - I want to use Boost.Python.

The installation seemed to go ok.

After that I tried the hello world example


% cd boost_1_32_0/libs/python/example/tutorial
% bjam -sTOOLS=gcc -a

This seems to work also - a hello.so is created and copied to


but where did hello.pyd go? The above hello.html page says it's
supposed to be "somewhere in libs\python\example\tutorial\bin"

But it's not there.

I have not used bjam prior to boost so I'm a little confused - is it
possible to see
what the commandline eqivalents of what bjam is actually doing?

Is boost usable without bjam?


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