[C++-sig] Re: exporting __stdcall methods

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Sun Mar 13 00:47:12 CET 2005

"Leonard \"paniq\" Ritter" <paniq at paniq.org> writes:

>>I tried in a similar vain for the 2 member functions variants that appear
>>later in the same file.
>>However, I had no success, hence the reason for my caution.
> yes, it works for functions but not for methods. when adding something 
> similar for __stdcall i get
> boost\python\detail\invoke.hpp(75) : error C2064: term does not evaluate 
> to a function taking 2 arguments
> where my confusion does not permit me to make anymore assumptions on how 
> to fix this ;)

Files like boost/type_traits/detail/is_mem_fun_pointer_tester.hpp
which are outside the Boost.Python library would need to be enhanced
to deal with __stdcall, etc.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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