[C++-sig] boost/python: how to: call memberfunctions of an existing c++ object from python?

Marco Borm mb.ml.boost at adisoft-systems.de
Wed Mar 9 17:44:32 CET 2005

(I also posted this message to gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel)

Hi Boost/Python developers,

at first I have to say that I am no boost nor a python expert.
I've searched for hours now on the web for my problem but was unable to find
some solution for my problem:

Currently I am working on the possibility that an python-script is called by
an existing c++ object. This was "easy" to do with and without the boost

To make this more complicate, the script must be able to call some member
functions of this object.
So to make this possible I created an BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE() containing the
class and the to be called member function-definitions.
Now it is possible to create new instances of the class and call them from
python. It is also possible to do the following in my c++ object-code: "ret
= boost::python::call<int>(PyFunction.ptr(), this );"

But now my problem: boost copies the object and passes only that copy to the
Is it and how is it possible to make the object accessible to the function
within the python-script?
I have found some hints in the boost-source for using smartptr but I was
unable to use them as an parameter for call(): "TypeError: No to_python
(by-value) converter found for C++ type: class boost::shared_ptr<TYPE>".
I am also don't known if this is the right way to do.

Thanks for help!
Marco Borm

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