[C++-sig] And now for a raw constructor

Studious Apprentice apprentice_99 at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 7 17:43:03 CEST 2005

Thanks again Dave for the help provided ! I would like to know if there is a 
way to do the same for a constructor. I planned to use a .def("__init__", 
rawfunction(constructorfwd)) but this wont work for I do not have a 
constructed object to start with ;-) and on the top of that the object needs 
to be constructed at a specific place.

Browsing through the Boost Python code, it looks like I could use the 
detail::make_keyword_range_constructor<Signature,NArgs> function or even use 
the objects::make_holder<Arity> however I do know which parameters I should 

Thanks in advance,


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