[C++-sig] Error message: undefined reference to '_Py_NoneStruct'

Alexander Borghgraef alexander.borghgraef.rma at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 09:23:31 CEST 2005

On 7/27/05, David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> wrote:
> Alexander Borghgraef <alexander.borghgraef.rma at gmail.com> writes:
> That's a possibility, but I'm less concerned about your
> libboost_python installation than about how you're assembling your
> own extension module or executable.  The simplest possible answer to
> your problem is that you're not linking with Python or you're using a
> different Python than libboost_python was compiled against.

 <Slaps forehead> I am an idiot. Added -lpython2.3 and -lboost_python
to the makefile, now everything links fine. Been too long since I've
done any C++. That, and I assumed boost.python worked just like the
other boost libraries I'd used before, everything in the header file.
Oh well, live and learn. Thanks a lot for the help.
> > I'll try that for now.
> Are you trying to do embedding or extending?

 Embedding, I guess. I'm trying to access a python config file parser
class from my Qt project, since python has better regexp support, and
hell, I love the language, so I want to learn how to make hybrid apps

Alex Borghgraef

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