[C++-sig] Pyste: Help Wanted

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Sun Jul 24 06:42:47 CEST 2005

On 7/22/05, Nicodemus <nicodemus at esss.com.br> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> As most of you know, I haven't had time to work on Pyste in a few
> months. The main reason is lack of time: I haven't have much free time
> left, between my work and my social life. Another reason is that I
> simply don't use it; at work we use Boost.Python extensivily, but can't
> rely on Pyste because it doesn't work very well on windows, which is our
> main development platform.

Nicodemus, I would like to say thank you for your efforts. Without Pyste
my job was harder. Yes Pyste has a few points that could be improved. 
One of them is back-end. Could you to be more explicit about the problems
with GCC-XML? By the way, the idea to add additional back-end, is not
bad at all.
I though about this and desided: I am going to add an other back-end
to my project,
based on Microsoft bsc files. 

> That said, I really would hate to see this project simply go to waste
> because of my lack of dedication. I would like to pass it on, if anybody
> in the Boost.Python community would like to do so. I will of course be
> avaiable to help with the current code if someone is willing to take it
> over, or support those who are starting an entire project of its own
> (I'm looking at you Roman ;)). After all, I'm not abandoning the
> community, just looking for someone to take over the project, or at
> least help applying patches and fixing bugs.

May be you don't know but you are helping continuously: 
1. mailing list have a lot of threads about improving pyste
2. Pyste code contains a lot of usefull ideas
> Anyway, I would like to just thank everyone in this great community,
> specially Dave, for the wonderful Boost.Python library and incentive at
> the start of the projetct. Lots of people also contributed to this
> project, in form of patchs, bug reports, etc, and I would also like to
> thank them all.
> That's it. Best Regards,
> Nicodemus.

Roman Yakovenko

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