[C++-sig] Pyste: Help Wanted

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Sat Jul 23 13:13:53 CEST 2005

On 22 Jul 2005 at 3:32, Stefan Seefeld wrote:

> > As most of you know, I haven't had time to work on Pyste in a few
> > months. The main reason is lack of time: I haven't have much free
> > time left, between my work and my social life. Another reason is
> > that I simply don't use it; at work we use Boost.Python extensivily,
> > but can't rely on Pyste because it doesn't work very well on
> > windows, which is our main development platform.

Can't say I've noticed any difference between Windows and Unix for 
pyste. Works just fine on both.

> > That said, I really would hate to see this project simply go to
> > waste because of my lack of dedication. I would like to pass it on,
> > if anybody in the Boost.Python community would like to do so. I will
> > of course be avaiable to help with the current code if someone is
> > willing to take it over, or support those who are starting an entire
> > project of its own (I'm looking at you Roman ;)). After all, I'm not
> > abandoning the community, just looking for someone to take over the
> > project, or at least help applying patches and fixing bugs.
> I would certainly like to help to maintain pyste. As we discussed
> earlier, there are a number of ideas I'd like to try out to make pyste
> more flexible and independent from gccxml.
> I'm not sure I'm ready / able to maintain pyste on my own, but you can
> definitely count on me for a co-maintainership.

As you may have noticed, I have been independently patching pyste to 
add things for a while now. You can always get the latest version of 
my pyste from SVN at http://www.nedprod.com/TnFOX/ (look for 
BoostPatches.zip in the Python directory).


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